Maremma Abruzzi sheepdogs kennel Alba Bestia

In the homeland of the breed, Italy, the Maremma Sheepdog is known as “the head of a bear, the heart of a lion”. This is because the Maremma’s head resembles that of a polar bear, and its main character traits are natural nobility and loyalty, unconquerable will and courage.

Since time immemorial, the Maremma Sheepdogs have fearlessly protected their packs, family members and the property entrusted to them.

What is the impression of the Maremma? It is a majestic, proud dog, snow-white and fluffy, which embodies power, grace and strength combined with a spectacular appearance. These extraordinary dogs have captivated us once and for all, and it is our pleasure to introduce you to this unique breed.

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про маремму

характер мареммо-аббруцької вівчарки

поширені хибні уявлення про маремм



Maremma Sheepdog is a large dog with a strong build that gives the impression of majesty and natural aristocracy at first glance. The height of an adult Maremma varies from 63 to 73 cm at the withers.

This shepherd dog has good immunity and good health, because, according to its purpose, it had to withstand long loads and walk many kilometers alongside herds of goats and sheep in any weather. Therefore, you and your whole family will get a good hiking coach represented by Maremma, learn to enjoy walks in the rain and enjoy getting up early to relish the coolness of the morning on a fine summer morning.No one is left indifferent by the expression on the Maremma’s face: its head has an unusual conical shape, almond-shaped eye slits, and resembles the head of a polar bear. The body of this dog is completely covered with thick snow-white fur, which is self-cleaning, does not get tangled, does not get wet and retains heat, protecting it from frost and heat.

The Maremma-Abrutz Shepherd is a large dog with a strong build that gives the impression of majesty and natural aristocracy at a glance.

Історія виникнення маремм

Мареммо-абруцька вівчарка - аборигенна італійська порода, вік якої налічує понад дві тисячі років. Зображення та описи цих собак археологи знаходять на стародавніх італійських саркофагах і барельєфах, а згадку про них можна знайти ще в творах античності. Вважається, що предки сучасної маремми прийшли з Тибетських гір разом з арійськими кочівниками.

Маремми здавна виконували функцію пастухів  охорони стад від вовків та інших диких тварин у горах Італії, а також  охорони   будинків та іншого майна людини від зловмисників. І дотепер ця функція лишилася незмінною.

Характер і темперамент

Незалежність і самостійність - невід'ємні, можна сказати, навіть, основні якості характеру маремо-аббруцької вівчарки. Ця вівчарка знає собі ціну, але водночас дуже віддана своєму господарю та своїй родині. Вона здатна ухвалювати рішення про захист, не озираючись на господаря, а у ситуації небезпеки ця собака безстрашно йде захищати свою зграю, ввірене майно або свою родину. 

Незвичайною особливістю цієї породи є, з одного боку, те, що собака легко переносить перебування на самоті в горах зі стадом кіз або овець, виконуючи роботу пастуха й охоронця, а з іншого боку, маремма потребує спілкування з людиною. Постійне перебування в сім'ї, контакт з людьми, дітьми, іншими собаками розкривають її, підвищують  інтелект, і в результаті ви отримуєте мислячого та чуйного друга, який буде готовий скласти вам компанію як на прогулянці в лісі, місті чи на пляжі, так і із задоволенням вирушить з вами у подорож в іншу країну.

The history of Maremmas

The Maremma Sheepdog is a native Italian breed that dates back more than two thousand years. Archaeologists have found images and descriptions of these dogs on ancient Italian sarcophagi and bas-reliefs, and they can be found in ancient writings. It is believed that the ancestors of the modern Maremma came from the Tibetan Mountains together with Aryan nomads.

Maremmas have long served as shepherds to protect herds from wolves and other wild animals in the mountains of Italy, as well as to protect homes and other human property from intruders. To this day, this function has remained unchanged.

Character and disposition

Independence and self-sufficiency are inherent, one might even say, the main traits of the Maremma Sheepdog’s character. This sheepdog knows its own value, but at the same time it is very loyal to its owner and family. It is able to make decisions about protection without looking back at its owner, and in a situation of danger, this dog will fearlessly defend its pack, entrusted property or its family.

An unusual feature of this breed is, on the one hand, that the dog can easily tolerate being alone in the mountains with a herds of goats or sheep, performing the work of a shepherd and guard, and on the other hand, the Maremma needs to communicate with people. Staying in a family, contact with people, children, and other dogs opens up the dog, increases its intelligence, and as a result, you get a minded and sensitive friend that will be ready to keep you company while walking in the woods, in the city, or on the beach, and will be happy to go on a trip to another country with you.

Modern Maremmas

The peculiarity of the Maremma Sheepdogs is that their appearance has not changed much since the breed inception: they are still large, strong, with white fur and preserved functionality.
For 2000 years, this breed has retained its historical function as a shepherd, which is why it is highly valued by professional farmers around the world. Maremmas are still used to protect herds and property not only in Italy but also in other countries. It seems incredible that Maremmas are very popular among farmers in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. They are reliable and intelligent sheepdogs that know their job and do it well.
In general, dogs of this breed are a real exotic in Ukraine: they are still little known and not appreciated properly.

You can get to know this amazing Italian dog breed better on our website and social media.

Kennel of Maremma-Abruzzese shepherds Alba Bestia
Ukrainian Kennel Union