This page is dedicated to our Maremmas who live next to us. We raise these amazing dogs with great love, and they have been a part of our lives for many years.
I invite you to meet Icarus, Vesna, Ciri and Belka. Each of them is a personality with their own habits and special behavior. I am happy to tell you about each of them on their personal pages.
Our dogs are not just kennel residents, but members of our family, with whom we share both days and nights. We take care of their health, socialization, and education so that they become reliable life companions for their future owners.
EVesna s Gory Mezmay
Date of birth: February 17, 2017
Tsa Tsa S Gory Mezmay
Father: OBERON
Date of birth: February 28, 2020
Belezza Bianca Alba Bestia
Father: Ikar Dimira White
Mother: E`Vesna S Gory Mezmay
Date of birth: November 26, 2020
Mother: VIZA
Date of birth: November 2, 2015
Ikar, Ikarushka, Ikarishche, Ikarych, sweetheart… These are not all the epithets I use when addressing him or talking about him. He is 200% the embodiment of a companion dog and a formidable territory guard. Since childhood, he is absolutely unproblematic, calm, aware of his value, stubborn, patient and lazy. But at the same time, he’s not averse to getting up to mischief for a while, running around with girls and playing. He was born leader of the pack: smart, fair and self-confident. Ikar is an excellent leader of his pride, consisting of three female dogs, that constantly test his boundaries, especially Vesna.
He is the first object of all my experiments: with nutrition, education, handling, etc. Along the way, Ikar received certificates of meeting the “Dog in the City” and “BH” standards. And the number of exhibitions that we went through side-by-side is countless. And, of course, travelling: wherever we went, Ikar delighted everyone around him (especially after grooming, haha). He is my soul dog, mine to the tip of his fluffy tail.
Ikar is a large male dog, strongly and roughly built, well balanced, compact. He has the correct ratio of height at the withers to height at the chest (height at the chest is 50% less than the height at the withers), a deep chest, close to the head proportions described in the standard (the length of the muzzle is by 1/10 shorter than the length of the head). The coat is made up of 65% guard hair, and there may seem to be little undercoat, especially compared to Vesya, who looks like a ball of fur. But this impression is very deceptive: as soon as you start bathing him, you immediately understand that it is almost impossible to get this fur coat wet, and after that, just blowing out the water takes at least two hours. So Ikars’s coat is as correct as possible: hard, does not get wet, retains heat and self-cleans.
Behind him are such famous dogs from Italian kennels as CAFIERO DI LUCUS ANGITIAE (Champion of the World, Champion of Europe), CESARE DEGLI ELMI (Champion of Europe), ERCOLE (Champion of the World, Champion of Europe).He has the title of International Champion, Champion of Ukraine, Czech Republic and Poland.
Now he lives quietly for his own pleasure and is preparing to take part in exhibitions in the veteran class.
Date of birth: February 17, 2017
Champion of Ukraine, Champion of Poland.
Vesya is a very sunny, playful, affectionate and distinctive dog. She is confident, inquisitive, curious and very intelligent. She has an impenetrable psyche, not much can throw her out of balance. The guarding qualities are top-notch, but at the same time Vesna is a very sociable animal: she gets along well both with people and animals, especially if the latter recognize her supremacy at a particular time in a given territory. Vesya believes that a) she is the most
important and tries to “unobtrusively” show it to everyone around; b) the yard should be quiet, orderly and noble, everyone should walk peacefully under the wall, because there is point “a”.
She is our home “examiner” and “a limb of the law” and we adore her.
Vesna is very feminine and bright. She has a beautiful head with an interested expression saying (what are you going to give me?), but I would like her to have a smoother stop, wider eye position and smaller ears. She is a large female dog, strongly and roughly built, of an elongated format, not very tall on her legs, but it does not affect her jumping ability and speed if she needs to catch up with someone (Rhino has poor eyesight, but with its weight, it is not his problem).
Vesya has beautiful white coat with the correct balance of undercoat and guard hair. It has bright rich pigment, to the point of having gray skin on her belly and flanks under her fur.
In her pedigree there are such famous dogs of Italian kennels as CAFIERO DI LUCUS ANGITIAE (Champion of the World, Champion of Europe), CESARE DEGLI ELMI (Champion of Europe), ERCOLE (Champion of the World, Champion of Europe), ZINGARA DI LUCUS ANGITIAE (Champion of Europe).
Father: OBERON
February 28, 2020
Junior Champion of Ukraine
Cirilla has a very beautiful head, reminiscent of the head of a polar bear, small, rather high-set ears, dark eyes and pronounced pigmentation: black nose, lips, paw pads and even her belly. She is strongly built, compact, has a strong loin, long croup with the correct slope. I would like het to have a deeper chest. The coat is hard, dense, very thick. By nature, Cirilla is distrustful, cautious, but if she trusts you, she is very loving and spontaneous.
Her pedigree includes dogs from famous Italian kennels: Della Perla Maremmano, Di Lucus Angitiae, Dell Antico Tratturo.
Inbreeding at Cafiero Di Lukus Angitiae 3.5:5.5.7; QUALITA DELLA PERLA MAREMMANA 2:2, NABUCCO DELLA PERLA MAREMMANA 3:3.
Cirilla is our travel dog. She traveled with me across half of Europe: Poland, Germany, France, Spain, the Netherlands. And more than once.
She is the most compact of all and the most comfortable: she does not pay attention to anyone, neither people nor dogs, she stays perfectly in a hotel room by herself, and, what is important for walks around the city or through the forest, it is hardy. It seems to me that she was created to live in an apartment, no matter what the breed standard tells us about sheep and all that. But on the other hand, she adapts perfectly to life in the yard: she is sensitive, an excellent guard and shepherd.Ciri is very devoted to us, people, and wants to establish her own order in the pack, but we have Vesna, who has the same goals... In general, they live separately.
She is entirely MY dog, and also belonging a little bit to Ikar ☺ She and I have some kind of special connection that is difficult to put into words, but it is definitely love.
Father: Ikar Dimira White
Mother: E`Vesna S Gory Mezmay
Date of birth: November 26, 2020
This is a female dog from the first litter of the Alba Bestia kennel. Linebreeding is 5x5 at Cafiero di Lukus Angitiaie.Belezza Bianca aka Belka is a large, and because of this somewhat rough, female dog, strongly build, slightly stretched, above average height, she has very beautiful movements: it seems that she hovers over the ring. She inherited these movements from her father Ikar Dimir White. Belochka has a beautiful triangular head with an interested expression saying “What do you have here?”, which she inherited from her mother E`Vesna S Gory Mezmay, and dark slanting eyes. She has the neck is of medium build, a strong back, a long, slightly sloping croup (approximately 20°, as the standard prescribes for us) and a moderately deep chest. Belka has a white coat, which has more guard hair than undercoat (the ratio is about 60/40), but this composition of the coat retains heat better and does not get wet. Belka is our combo dog, a 2 in 1 dog: she combines the love of life and non-conflict of her father and the impenetrable psyche, stubbornness and cunning of her mother.
This dog can get along with anyone: non-conflict, calm, does not pretend to be the leader of the pack, but if a place accidentally becomes vacant, she will quickly take it.Belka is really cheerful and joyful. She is always in a good mood and the desires to follow us to the ends of the earth, conceited and exuberant, a little bit stubborn, as Maremma is supposed to be, and spoiled by us.She gets along well with the whole pack. She doesn’t let herself to be provoked by Cirilla. If the relationships suddenly worsen, she knows how to effectively freeze herself out so that she has nothing to complain about. And they have special relationships with Vesna. I wonder how Vesna hasn’t killed her yet: Belochka, without a twinge of conscience, walks over her mother, steps over her, pushes her away from us. Vesna is only indignant, but we never get tired of being charmed by this little rascal.
Kennel of Maremma-Abruzzese shepherds Alba Bestia
Ukrainian Kennel Union
By Olga Peresunko